CAA Full Form
Full Form Law

What is CAA Full Form In Law?

CAA the full legal form it is the Citizenship Amendment Act. In 2019, the CAA was passed. It modified to amend the Citizenship Act of 1955 in India. The Amendment aids mainly certain people that are from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan to become citizens of India quicker. This is primarily for those Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians who came to India just prior to 2014. The law reduces their time in India to only 5 years before they can become citizens after 11 years.

Also Read: full form of HMJ

Legal Implications and Usage:

The CAA has been the subject of many debates and debate, not just legally, but also on a social scale. For instance, it was brought through an Indian court, the Supreme Court of India, as it is a violation of the Constitution with regards to secular (non-religious) principles of the Indian Constitution. It is even more so with regard to Article 14 on equality before the law. Some argue that the law is in violation of the idea of respecting all religions equally in India because they discriminate against Muslims. However, it is important to remember that the citizenship of Indian Muslims is not affected in any way. The law was passed due to the fact that the countries around India are Muslim nations, such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh and, consequently the minority population of these countries, which is predominantly Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians are eligible to become citizens of India.


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