Is Keeping Parrot Legal in India?

Is Keeping Parrot Legal in India? Lets Find Out

A lot of people in India are fond of parrots due to their vibrant colors and the ability to imitate the sounds. But, if you’re contemplating having a parrot as an animal there are plenty of factors to consider, especially on the laws and the best way to care for these animals. This article will make clear what the laws say about keeping a parrot at home. There is a possibility that someone is contemplating buying this animal, or maybe their thoughts are just wandering over the rules of wildlife and the concept of conservation, as they might like to learn the specifics of owning a parrot in India. Let’s begin will we?

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Legal Rules In India Regarding Keeping A Parrot As A Pet

Legal Rules Legal Rules India It is explicitly stated that you can keep one as an animal in the rules that are in the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 to protect it from capture. The law is generally written for different types of parrots, as well as other kinds of parakeets, which makes it illegal to keep pets for trade. This is one reasons why India is trying to protect its wildlife, preventing species from becoming extinct because of, for example the loss of homes or a shady trade caused by human actions.

Rules in Different States and What’s Being Done

A man, for instance, who intends to keep a pet parrot is required to be licensed and ensure that the conditions for the pet are safe for it. In the year 2015, a sanctuary was discovered in Maharashtra in which over 100 parrots were kept to sell commercially. This shows how serious the different regions of India are taking on the initiative to end and prohibit the illegal purchase and possession of this species in order to safeguard.

What It Means Legally to Own a Parrot

The life of a parrot as if you’re living in a legal contract by the government. You’re required to obtain an authorization that outlines how your pet will be cared for and where it is kept in, the food it consumes, and the health treatment. Infractions to these regulations could cause penalties, legal troubles and even losing the pet. It is an evident sign that pet owners are held to the responsibility of making sure that their pet is in good hands, and at the same time, abide by the conservation laws.

West Bengal’s Approach

Moving a step more, West Bengal is planning an end to the care of Indian birds as pets, bearing in mind the safety of the native wildlife. They would only allow exotic bird species to be kept under strict guidelines, including the requirement of obtaining the breeding license, which costs thousands. This illustrates how different regions in India each have their own way to safeguard birds and stop the illegal trade in pets.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, all we can do is say that Yes keeping a bird in India is legal, however there are a lot of conditions that come with it. For instance the other species, there are lots of rules and regulations pertaining to the Wildlife Protection Act, so be aware of them to ensure you are in a safe zone.


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