Is It Legal To Put Stickers On Cars In India

Is It Legal To Put Stickers On Cars In India? Let’s Find Out

Simply put, no It is not legal to apply stickers to cars in India It is an offence that could result in you being penalized with a serious fine. However, you’ve seen individuals use car stickers but what do you think about them do you think? The good news is that we’ve taken the time to explore this topic in detail in our post today Don’t skip this post. Let’s get started.

First Of All, What Exactly Is A Sticker?

In essence, they are labels composed of vinyl sheets. They typically stick to surfaces for a long period of time. There are two parts to it of paper: the one is removed and the label that is sticky. Once it is stuck, you will see the design or writing on the label’s front. There are stickers on a variety of items like drinking bottles, notebooks and even cars. If it’s a good quality sticker, it will last longer than 5 years in a vehicle. It is common for people to get confused between decals and stickers. But both are adhesive labels and are incorporated into the Motor Vehicles Act.

What Does Motor Vehicles Acts Say About Stickers?

It is the primary law that governs all vehicles used for transport in India. The law in question, Section 177 of the Act regulates the use for stickers to be placed on cars. This section states that anyone who is in violation of any provision of the Act and for any violation, for which no specific penalty is specified, will be punished by a fine of between Rs. 100 for the first offence and an amount of fine up to 300 rupees for each subsequent offense. 300 for a second or subsequent offence. This means that the use of labels to mark vehicles are not permitted by the Act generally, is a violation.

Then there’s then the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989, which establishes guidelines regarding the use of motor vehicles. The registration plates cannot have any form of sticker or an adhesive that bears any kind of legend. Also you are not allowed to apply any stickers to the number plate of your vehicle. The registration plate should be chromium-based and carry other specifics that enable it to be unaltered or counterfeited.

religious stickers and castes: A huge No-No

The stickers on cars that display any religious or caste symbols are prohibited according to the rules. The section 179(1) of the Motor Vehicles Act is utilized to punish those who put the stickers on their vehicles. Recently, the police in Noida and Ghaziabad conducted special investigations against the stickers and fined more than 2,300 individuals. The penalty for placing an idol or religious symbol on a vehicle is Rs. 1,000. If a person puts it on a number plate, the fine is increased to Rs. 5,000. These stickers may cause tension, which is why they should be removed.

What About Professional and Institutional Stickers?

There are many times lawyers, doctors and other professionals place labels on their cars to identify themselves. Of obviously, stickers are permissible, but with certain conditions. As an example, physicians may use stickers provided by the state. In the same way, lawyers can utilize stickers issued through the Bar Council of India. They are permitted to park and identify in certain areas, such as courts and hospitals.


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