Full Form

What is CRPC Full Form in Law?

CRPC Full Form in Law The full text of the CRPC in law is the Code of Criminal Procedure. Consider it to be the foundation of the criminal law system in India. The law is in all senses an outline of the manner…

What is CAA Full Form In Law?

CAA the full legal form it is the Citizenship Amendment Act. In 2019, the CAA was passed. It modified to amend the Citizenship Act of 1955 in India. The Amendment aids mainly certain people that are from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan to become…

What is the full form of HMJ in law?

Full form of HMJ in law The HMJ Full Form in Law is Honorable Mister Justice. The most complex business law disputes often require the honorable Mister Justice. The word is a reference to a judge for business. Anyone who is a director, owner of…

What is the full form of MCA in law?

MCA Full Form in Law The MCA Full Form in Law is Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Indian business health, including corporate wellness is controlled as well as promoted by MCA. Indian commercial law and corporations are run by the government. A thorough overview of MCA’s…

Full form of PW in Law

What is Full form of PW in Law The PW Full Form in Law is Prosecution Witness or Plaintiff Witness. The first word is employed in criminal proceedings and the other is used in civil cases. The legal process is complex and requires witnesses…

AGP Full Form in law

What is AGP Full Form In Law The AGP Full Form in Law is Additional Government Pleader. This is a crucial part of the Indian law system in India is a sophisticated one which includes lawyers, courts and officials from the government. An Additional…

ADGC full form in law

What is the full form of ADGC in law? The ADGC Full Form in Law is Assistant District Government Counsel. This Indian legal system is based on an array of lawyers who represent the government at all levels. The ADGC ADGC represents the…