Is Turtle as a Pet Legal In India

Is Turtle as a Pet Legal In India? Let’s Explore

In a sense keeping turtles as pets is illegal in India particularly the species from in the Indian subcontinent. If you’re interested in knowing the specific laws pertaining to this, keep following because we’ll go deeper into the subject. We’ll get you started.

Legal Status of Turtles in India

In India the country of India, turtles are protected under law. In India, turtles are protected by Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. This law was passed to protect various kinds of wild animals and places them under the protection by law. According to the law the animals, birds and reptiles have been put into various categories of legal protection. This includes turtles. The law is modified regularly and the most recent change was last year by the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act 2022, which will add more species of turtles into these protected categories. This will provide more protection against trade that is illegal and pets being kept without a permit.

Sell and keep turtles in a way that is illegal is a serious crime that has consequences for both the turtles and those affected. If such cases are brought before the relevant administration, they will usually search pet stores immediately. Shop owners have been detained due to the fact that they have caught and sold turtles. This is an excellent way to show authority against criminals. This type of trade is harmful not just to the turtles but to the ecosystems of the area where they play a significant role.

Varieties of Turtles and Rules That Apply

In India It is against the law to keep certain types of turtles as pets. These include for instance the Indian Star Tortoise and the Red Ear Slider. A lot of people are confused by the two turtles due to their appearance similar, and it could be difficult to decide which turtle is legal to keep. It could result in someone possessing a protected turtle without realizing that it is. Thus, when someone decides to get the turtle for their pet, they should learn about the different species of turtles and, most importantly don’t buy protected turtles.

Legal Penalties and Enforcement

If someone is discovered to be possessing or trading turtles in violation of law, they may be subject to heavy fines, and possibly prison. The Forest Department, in collaboration with other authorities concerned is extremely alert to ensure that such laws and their application cannot be considered to be a given. They collaborate closely with other organizations like Turtle Survival Alliance. Turtle Survival Alliance to stem the illegal trade in pets. The objective is to prevent those who trade illegally from doing so and to enforce the laws which protect the animals.


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